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22.5inch BBQ Grill with side table
  • Product Category: PRODUCT Kettle BBQ Grill
  • product description: 22.5inch BBQ Grill with side table size: 111 x 58 x 108(H) cm  lid: ø580 x 0.6mm iron, enamel bowl: ø570 x 0.6mm iron, enamel cooking grill: ø 550mm, chrome cooking height: 88cm
  • 22.5inch BBQ Grill with side table

    size: 111 x 58 x 108(H) cm 

    lid: ø580 x 0.6mm iron, enamel
    bowl: ø570 x 0.6mm iron, enamel
    cooking grill: ø 550mm, chrome
    cooking height: 88cm
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